Day 6: MacBook Died Last Night

Last night, actually felt the difference while using it as the “Beach Ball” keeps appearing no matter what operation I was trying to perform, even just trying to open a new tab in Chrome. But didn’t thought it would be serious till I wanted to continue my design at home, it wouldn’t boot up!! Luckily, it was just corrupted boot data and not the HDD failing. So installed Lion in and everything seems fine (for now). Haha

Because of this problem, started work late again and ended up almost doing nothing. But work is still work, and I’m the only person working on it. So gathered a few colleagues to choose between the product grouping and true enough, they chose the grouping by process flow as it was easier to understand. That being settled, I was then trying again to draw a nice Rapid Prototype but that would mean it wasn’t rapid at all.

So ended up using Illustrator to construct the wireframes and trying to present at best how the interactions might be. Would be able to ask some friends as a form of User Testing about how they would navigate. Finished up all the primary navigation wireframes, so tomorrow will be the product pages. This phase is getting more and more like the final documentation and looking at how things are slowly forming, it is truly motivating. However, I am afraid much of losing sight of the importance of simplicity. Shall take a break after wireframing to hit it with the simple stick!! Hyaaaaa

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